Minnesota Stroke Association

Thank you for being a Team Captain for this year's Strides for Stroke. A Team Captain holds the reigns of the team and helps lead the fundraising efforts. Below are some tips and fundraising ideas for your team, as well as information for the day of the Strides for Stroke.

Managing Your Team

  1. Set fundraising goals for your team and choose the location you wish to register in:
  2. Make your team's first pledge your own - it's easier to ask for donations when you've donated first!
  3. Send family members, friends, coworkers and neighbors e-mails directly from your Team Page!
  4. Maintain communication with your Team Members by e-mail, phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This will help keep everyone updated on the progress of the team as you work towards your fundraising goal.

Take the Challenge

This year, honor those with stroke by taking the $500 Team Challenge! If just 100 teams raise $500 each, the Minnesota Stroke Association will raise $50,000, which will help provide support services, community outreach, and educational programs.

Taking the challenge is easy:

  1. Recruit four people to walk with you for a total of five team walkers
  2. Have each walker donate $25 for a total of $125
  3. Have each walker ask a family member for $25 for a total of $125
  4. Have each walker ask a friend for $25 for a total of $125
  5. Have each walker ask a coworker for $25 for a total of $125

Team total: $500!

Tell Your Employer

If you, or someone you care about, has been affected by stroke, be sure to tell your employer about the Strides for Stroke walk and how much yo need their support. This often motivates companies to give money when they otherwise would not. Many corporations will make financial contributions to causes such as the Strides for Stroke walk when their employees, spouse or significant others are involved.

Your company may wish to sponsor your team. Ask them to give $125 for five walkers! Your company also may have a program set up to match their employees' charitable donations. This can be a great source of often overlooked funds. Usually, your employer provides a simple form for you and the Minnesota Stroke Association to fill out. As soon as you complete the form with the information requested and return it to your employer, the money matching your own contribution will be on the way!

On the Day of Strides for Stroke: Saturday, May 16

To help you, your team and others, here are a few tips for the day of Strides for Stroke:

  1. Prior to the day, let your team know where everyone will be meeting.
  2. Beginning at 9 a.m., registration will open at each of our locations. Check in at the registration area when you arrive to receive T-shirts and a registration envelope. ONLY TEAM CAPTAINS need to come to the registration area.
  3. Bring the envelopes and T-shirts you receive at check-in to your team's meeting spot.
  4. Hand out T-shirts to your team and collect donations to put into the envelope provided.
  5. Bring your envelope with all of your collected donations to the registration area.
  6. Enjoy the pre-Walk events taking place at each location, starting about 9:45 a.m.
  7. Walk!

If you have Registration Problems

If you have any problems with your online registration (say you'd like to change your fundraising goals), please e-mail Andi for assistance.